When I teach our Lifetime Class*, we discuss some of the words that come to mind when we say the word "Improv." Some students say "spontaneous" and others say "freedom", and there is a virtually endless list of new words that I hear each week. It usually boils down to one word: "YES!"
Mostly, that word is mentioned because "YES!" is a game we play each week to warm up and remind ourselves of the concept that makes Improv work: Agreement. I'll teach you how to play.
You have the freedom to do anything in an improv scene, but that freedom comes from what I call the "creative permission" of our scene partner. It is granted to everyone in an improv class, but first we need to get in the habit of giving others our "creative permission." to do that, we play "YES!"
The class is gathered in a circle and students are told that when they are pointed to, they must say "YES!" Our "YES!" puts the game in motion and keeps it in motion. Once a player says "YES!" then the player who pointed at them may take their space in the circle. But the player who just said "YES!" can't move from their position in the circle until they in turn get a "YES!" from another player.
The point of the game is to illustrate that nothing can happen without agreement, without "YES!" And the game teaches us many more lessons. This game teaches us that when we say "YES!" emphatically instead of a lackluster "yes" we can impact the energy of the other player and the whole group.
We also learn the valuable lesson that there are no mistakes. The first time player almost always makes a move without being granted a "YES!" in the beginning of the game and it gives us a chance to benefit IMMEDIATELY from such a gift.
YOU CAN PLAY IT WITH ME THIS MONTH! There are two free classes coming up in September. Come on out and experience IT today. Click HERE to register for a free class. So many lessons contained in that one word: "YES!" It's my favorite warm-up. Do you have a favorite warm-up game? Please leave us a comment and tell us all about it.
* The Lifetime Class is an introduction to The Improv Trick and when a student pays for it once, it may be taken over and over again for free. We're also offering TEEN Classes in October. Please share this post with a friend.